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Rolls-Royce celebrates 112 years of the Spirit of Ecstasy

Today, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars celebrates the anniversary of its Spirit of Ecstasy mascot, first registered as intellectual property of Rolls-Royce on 6 February 1911

Today, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars celebrates the anniversary of its Spirit of Ecstasy mascot, first registered as intellectual property of Rolls-Royce on 6 February 1911. Ever since she has been universally recognised, respected and admired – with a poise and grace that makes her a global icon.

She’s changed with the passage of time. At various points in her long life she’s adopted different stances, sometimes stood slightly taller or shorter, and allowed the wind to sculpt her flowing garments in subtly altered forms.

She celebrates her anniversary in her most streamlined and athletic guise, having been specially recreated in 2022 for the marque’s all-electric Spectre, itself the most aerodynamic Rolls-Royce ever. She’s also truly ageless: today, she more closely resembles the original drawings made in 1911 by her creator, the illustrator and sculptor Charles Sykes, than she’s ever done.

The origins of the Spirit of Ecstasy are the substance of legend and myth, as well as recorded fact, with some details still veiled in mystery and intrigue. Her backstory involves many of the foundational characters in Rolls-Royce’s own history, including the marque’s first managing director, Claude Johnson.

To Rolls-Royce customers and fans around the world, she personifies ambition, achievement, excellence and success. She inspires greatness – every motor car on which she graces has to be worthy of her presence.

SOURCE: Rolls-Royce

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