The third RTEC, the competition dedicated to Renault Trucks after-sales, has just ended. The 24 best teams competed in the international final held in Lyon. The Austrian, Spanish and Slovakian teams stood out and respectively won the first, second and third places on the podium. A special prize for the best team spirit was awarded to the Belgian team.
The 24 best teams, selected from the 1,421 in competition, went head-to-head in the International final of the RTEC (Road to Excellence Championship) in Lyon, the historic birthplace of Renault Trucks.
At the end of a day of practical and theoretical tests performed in real-life conditions, it was the Thaur team from Austria that won the title of “Best Renault Trucks after-sales team”.
The Spanish team 8 Barreiros Truck won second place and the Slovakian team No.1 was placed third, whilst the Belgian team Sperto 2.0 was awarded the special prize for best team spirit.
Each team comprised four employees representing the key after-sales positions, namely a receiver, diagnosis specialist, mechanic and workshop manager. They were asked to perform five tests involving complex maintenance and repair tasks in order to test their technical skills.
The performance of the finalists was then appraised and marked by judges, who were Renault Trucks experts from the world over. Cooperation and teamwork were also rewarded, as the ability to work effectively together and use the strengths of each team member were essential for completing the challenges within the allocated time.
SOURCE: Renault Trucks