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Subcommittees of the Tateshina meeting, which aims to realize zero traffic accident casualties, are intensifying activities from the three perspectives of cars, people, and traffic infrastructure

Toyota Mobility Foundation (TMF) established subcommittees within the framework of the Tateshina Meeting, which promotes discussions and the expansion of collaboration among participants with the goal of zero casualties in traffic accidents

Seeking to advance specific initiatives, in July of this year, the Toyota Mobility Foundation (TMF) established subcommittees within the framework of the Tateshina Meeting*1, which promotes discussions and the expansion of collaboration among participants with the goal of zero casualties in traffic accidents. The five subcommittees have started their activities with an initial focus on issues such as support for vulnerable road users like children and older adults, accidents involving bicycles and motorcycles, and accidents occurring overseas.

Since their establishment, the subcommittees have set a goal to accelerate, to the extent possible, the realization of achieving zero traffic accident casualties. To date, approximately 140 people from 35 companies have participated. Activities are being promoted in cooperation with the government, local authorities, and relevant organizations based on a three-pronged approach involving cars, people, and traffic infrastructure.

On December 15, 2023, a general meeting was held, bringing together participating members to review the progress of various activities and share insights between subcommittees. Additionally, opportunities to learn from external activities were created, such as inviting a speaker from the Okinawa Prefectural Police Headquarters, which is working on reducing traffic accidents involving ordinary vehicles and rental cars through collaboration agreements with TMF and partner companies*2. Continuous efforts will be made to explore various ways to promote subcommittee activities.

The current progress of the subcommittees is as follows. We plan to disclose updates on these activities as appropriate, starting with the Tateshina Meeting next summer.








*1 The Tateshina Meeting was first held in 2019 as a platform for sharing aspirations and promoting collaboration toward realizing zero traffic accident casualties. It is held during the Summer Festival at the Mount Tateshina Shoko-ji Temple, where top executives from the automobile and related industries gather annually to pray for traffic safety. At the meeting held in July 2023, subcommittees were also launched to further enhance the effectiveness of initiatives towards traffic safety and achieving zero traffic accident casualties.
“Pilot Initiatives for Reducing Traffic Accidents among Rental Car Users in Okinawa Prefecture”
Since December 2021, TMF, in collaboration with partner companies involved in the car rental business, has been conducting verification tests to support safe driving among rental car users. In February 2023, TMF concluded a collaboration agreement with the Okinawa Prefectural Police Headquarters and is currently promoting initiatives in collaboration with industry, academia, and government.

Reference 1
Reference 2

“Traffic Safety Plaza” (October 27 – December 24, 2023) (In Japanese)
The Tateshina Meeting Subcommittee for New Awareness-raising Activities for Children will hold a “Traffic Safety Plaza” for children on the occasion of the “FORUM8 Rally Japan 2023” in Toyota City. | Press Room | Toyota Mobility Foundation

Source: Toyota

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