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Sustainability, future technologies and visions for our society up to 2115: the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt is looking ahead at an inspiring 2021

In 2021, the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt will be exploring the big issues of our future. Now in its third year, visitors can once again look forward to inspiring, digital live formats and expert talks featuring top-class speakers

In 2021, the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt will be exploring the big issues of our future. Now in its third year, visitors can once again look forward to inspiring, digital live formats and expert talks featuring top-class speakers. Since October 2019, the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt has been a progressive platform that invites experts from different disciplines and movers and shakers with an innovative spirit to share their visions of the future. It’s a source of inspiration and actively promotes discussions on all issues of tomorrow. True to the slogan EXPLORE THE FUTURE. GET INSPIRED. JOIN THE CONVERSATION.

In 2021, the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt will focus on established digital and hybrid formats, allowing participants access to keynotes and discussion groups including ideas, concepts and technologies that could affect future living. This means the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt is playing an active part in shaping the future.

In its own (digital) event series, the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt will dedicate the whole year to sustainability in all its dimensions. It will carry on working with the 1E9 think tank, but will also start an exciting and inspiring series of events with 2b AHEAD ThinkTank. All live streams are free and can be accessed on the FUTURE FORUM website and on the BMW Welt & BMW Museum Facebook page.

Sustainability in all its dimensions – the all-year (digital) event series

How will societies become fairer and more social? How can we protect our environment? How can we build sustainable economies? And what key role does sustainability play in this? In its own event series, the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt will dedicate this year to the economic, social, ecological and economical aspects of sustainability. Each series consists of two to three 30-minute digital sessions, with inspiring guests diving deep into each topic and encouraging participants to take part in the discussions. First up are three sessions on “Clean and Renewable Energies.” which will take a look at innovations for the energy revolution, green hydrogen and intelligent energy systems. The series will kick off on February 9, 2021 with a live stream on “Climate-Effective Technologies – Start-Ups Revolutionizing the Industry.” Next up on February 10 is “Green Hydrogen – the Fuel of the Future?”, with “Smart Energy – the Need for Intelligent Energy Grids.” completing the series on February 11. All events will take place at 4:00 PM (CET) and will be broadcast live on the FUTURE FORUM website and the BMW Welt & BMW Museum Facebook page. 

Our future in 2115 – in cooperation with 2b AHEAD ThinkTank

2b AHEAD, the new cooperation partner of the FUTURE FORUM by BMW Welt, will be exploring the question of “What will our future be like in 100 years’ time?” in six inspiring events during the first half of 2021.

The formats titled “+100: Next Steps for Humankind.” are based on the interim results of the most ambitious long-term study in German futurology, “Die Zukunft deiner Kinder (Your children’s future)”. It builds on the forecasts of 500 world-leading experts from technology, politics and business and deals with new innovations and future trends up to the year 2115.

2b AHEAD director, author and coach Sven Gábor Jánszky will host all six events. “+100: Generation Immortal.” on March 23, 2021 at 5:00 PM (CET) will be the first in the joint event series. It will take participants on a fascinating journey back in time, following five children from “generation immortal” to the years 2048, 2051, 2069, 2100 and 2114. 

“Reclaim the Future!” 2.0: how are new technologies changing our everyday lives – in cooperation with 1E9

In 2021, the successful “Reclaim the Future!” event series will continue to be an established format in the Future Forum. During a total of seven events, issues on the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, e-mobility, decentralization, IoT, virtual reality, biotech and space travel will be presented and discussed. The set of events is aimed specifically at experts from various specializations, developers, visionaries and anyone else who has an interest in these issues. The successful series titled “Reclaim the Future: How AI and Big Data are Shaping the Healthcare of Tomorrow.” will continue on February 25, 2021 at 4:00 PM (CET). Experts will look at revolutionary uses of artificial intelligence in healthcare and will explore the associated challenges for the protection of sensitive data. Continuing the fruitful “Reclaim the Future!” event series in 2021 also means carrying on successful cooperation with 1E9. The think tank with its own community, digital magazine and events is a home for people optimistic about the future. It offers anyone thirsting for knowledge a space which can be a hotbed for constructive discussions and joint ideas.


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