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Suzuki November 2024 automobile production, sales, and export figures

Suzuki November 2024 automobile production, sales, and export figures


Year-on-Year Year-on-Year Trends Jan.–Nov.
Year-on-Year Apr.–Nov.
Global production 269,674 102.7% Up for the first time in six months 3,046,470 101.7% 2,173,645 100.5%
Japan production 86,523 95.2% Down for the fourth consecutive month 948,481 104.6% 684,498 104.0%
Overseas production 183,151 106.6% Up for the first time in six months 2,097,989 100.4% 1,489,147 99.0%
India 168,189 113.8% Up for the second consecutive month 1,904,815 105.0% 1,355,285 103.2%
Others 14,962 62.1% Down for the 21st consecutive month 193,174 70.1% 133,862 70.0%

*Japan production: Complete built-up (CBU) units that include OEM units + complete knocked-down (CKD) units
*Overseas production: Units completed at overseas plants that exclude CKD units from Japan

  • Japan production: Decreased year-on-year owing to decrease in production for exports, despite increase in production for the Japanese market.
  • Overseas production: Increased year-on-year owing to record high production for November in India.


Year-on-Year Year-on-Year Trends Jan.–Nov.
Year-on-Year Apr.–Nov.
Global sales 266,334 106.4% Up for the second consecutive month 3,003,886 105.0% 2,118,700 102.4%
Japan sales 60,634 109.5% Up for the 11th consecutive month 669,218 110.8% 464,111 109.8%
Minivehicles 48,726 105.3% Up for the 11th consecutive month 546,760 110.8% 381,571 109.4%
Standard and
small vehicles
11,908 130.9% Up for the third consecutive month 122,458 111.1% 82,540 112.1%
Overseas sales 205,700 105.5% Up for the first time in five months 2,334,668 103.5% 1,654,589 100.5%
India 144,238 105.5% Up for the first time in five months 1,658,354 101.4% 1,168,413 97.6%
Others 61,462 105.3% Up for the second consecutive month 676,314 109.1% 486,176 108.1%

*Minivehicle: Small-sized car unique to Japan with an overall length of 3.4m or less, an overall width of 1.48m or less, an overall height of 2m or less, and an engine displacement of 660cc or less.
*Standard and small vehicle: Car that exceeds the above minivehicle specification.
*India: Indian domestic wholesales figures.

  • Japan sales: Increased year-on-year owing to increase in sales of both mini vehicles and standard and small vehicles.
    Standard and small vehicles marked record high sales for November.
  • Overseas sales: Increased year-on-year owing to increase in sales in India, Pakistan, etc.


Year-on-Year Year-on-Year Trends Jan.–Nov.
Year-on-Year Apr.–Nov.
Exports 15,974 77.4% Down for the second consecutive month 216,825 101.1% 153,253 102.1

*Total of exported CBU units + CKD units.

  • Decreased year-on-year owing to decrease in exports to Europe, etc.

*The figures shown are preliminary.

SOURCE: Suzuki

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