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Suzuki October 2024 automobile production, sales, and export figures

Suzuki October 2024 automobile production, sales, and export figures


Year-on-Year Year-on-Year Trends Jan.–Oct.
Year-on-Year Apr.–Oct.
Global production 287,423 96.7% Down for the fifth consecutive month 2,776,521 101.6% 1,903,696 100.2%
Japan production 92,676 97.1% Down for the third consecutive month 861,084 105.5% 597,101 105.3%
Overseas production 194,747 96.6% Down for the fifth consecutive month 1,915,437 99.9% 1,306,595 98.0%
  India 177,237 100.5% Up for the first time in two months 1,736,626 104.3% 1,187,096 101.8%
  Others 17,510 69.4% Down for the 20th consecutive month 178,811 71.2% 119,499 71.5%

*Japan production: Complete built-up (CBU) units that include OEM units + complete knocked-down (CKD) units
*Overseas production: Units completed at overseas plants that exclude CKD units from Japan

  • Japan production: Decreased year-on-year owing to decrease in production for the overseas market, despite increase in production for the domestic market.
  • Overseas production: Decreased year-on-year owing to decrease in production in countries such as Hungary, Indonesia, etc.


Year-on-Year Year-on-Year Trends Jan.–Oct.
Year-on-Year Apr.–Oct.
Global sales 286,282 100.9% Up for the first time in four months 2,737,169 104.9% 1,851,983 101.8%
Japan sales 60,460 111.0% Up for the tenth consecutive month 608,584 111.0% 403,477 109.9%
  Minivehicles 49,089 109.1% Up for the tenth consecutive month 498,034 111.4% 332,845 110.0%
  Standard and
small vehicles
11,371 119.8% Up for the second consecutive month 110,550 109.3% 70,632 109.4%
Overseas sales 225,822 98.5% Down for the fourth consecutive month 2,128,585 103.3% 1,448,506 99.8%
  India 163,130 94.9% Down for the fourth consecutive month 1,514,116 101.0% 1,024,175 96.6%
  Others 62,692 109.3% Up for the first time in three months 614,469 109.5% 424,331 108.4%

*Minivehicle: Small-sized car unique to Japan with an overall length of 3.4m or less, an overall width of 1.48m or less, an overall height of 2m or less, and an engine displacement of 660cc or less.
*Standard and small vehicle: Car that exceeds the above minivehicle specification.
*India: Indian domestic wholesales figures.

  • Global sales: Record high global sales for October owing to record high Japan sales for October.
  • Japan sales: Increased year-on-year owing to increase in sales of both mini vehicles and standard and small vehicles. Japan sales and standard and small vehicle sales marked record high for October.
  • Overseas sales: Decreased year-on-year owing to decrease in sales in India and Europe, despite increase in sales in Pakistan and the Middle East.


Year-on-Year Year-on-Year Trends Jan.–Oct.
Year-on-Year Apr.–Oct.
Exports 19,064 72.9% Down for the first time in two months 200,851 103.6% 137,279 106.0%

*Total of exported CBU units + CKD units.

  • Decreased year-on-year owing to decrease in exports to Europe, etc.

*The figures shown are preliminary.

SOURCE: Suzuki

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