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The eco-responsible Michelin e.PRIMACY tire made to last

To reduce its environmental footprint more quickly, Michelin has pledged to lower CO2 emissions from all its production facilities by 50% by 2030 compared with 2010

What began as a growing awareness, with the first low rolling resistance “green” tire in 1992, has now become one of Michelin’s core convictions. The All-Sustainable vision, which informs the Group’s strategy, is based on growth that is equally balanced between the financial and operational performance that ensure its long term impact and independance, the positive contribution to the planet, and the attention we pay to people, without whom no achievement or transformation is possible. This is the vision that inspires every one of our new tires.
This is the vision that has inspired the MICHELIN e.PRIMACY tire.

MICHELIN e.PRIMACY is the first eco-responsible MICHELIN tire whose life-cycle assessment has been incorporated into its design, to address all of its lifetime environmental impacts. As a result, packed with technology, the MICHELIN e.PRIMACY delivers the most efficient performance in its category(1) in terms of rolling resistance, making it more environmentally friendly and affordable to use, while also guaranteeing all of the safety, grip and durability performance benefits for which MICHELIN tires are so famous.
On top of it, the MICHELIN e.PRIMACY tire has been engineered to be CO2 neutral at the time of purchase,(2) from the extraction of raw materials to transport to the customer. This is a world’s first that will open the way to a new generation of products.

As you can see, environmental issues are central to our strategic priorities. To reduce its environmental footprint more quickly, Michelin has pledged to lower CO2 emissions from all its production facilities by 50% by 2030 compared with 2010, with the ultimate goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Michelin is also developing solutions to use renewable or recycled materials to manufacture its tires, while enhancing their performance even more. By 2030, MICHELIN tires will be 20% more energy efficient than they were in 2010.

Tomorrow, everything will be sustainable!

SOURCE: Michelin

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