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The Subaru Group issues Integrated Report 2021 and Sustainability Report 2021

The Subaru Group is striving to realize a sustainable society by evolving “Enjoyment and Peace of Mind” in keeping with our value statement, taking actions to sustainably grow and achieve its vision of becoming a company delivering happiness to all

The Subaru Group is striving to realize a sustainable society by evolving “Enjoyment and Peace of Mind” in keeping with our value statement, taking actions to sustainably grow and achieve its vision of becoming a company delivering happiness to all. In order to deepen our stakeholders’ understanding of our strengths, business model, and sustainable activities, we have sought to disclose financial and non-financial information in an integrated fashion. To that end, as of the most recent fiscal year, we have revamped our disclosure style, replacing the existing Annual Report and CSR Report with Integrated Report 2021 and Sustainability Report 2021.*
These reports will serve as tools for us to communicate with our stakeholders as we further enhance our disclosure.


Content Highlights in Integrated Report 2021

The report presents the Subaru Group’s unchanging values, strengths, growth strategies, and more in an integrated fashion across three main sections: “Value Creation Story,” “Commentary on Strategy,” and “Mechanism Supporting Value Creation.”
In the “Value Creation Story” section, we provide a new look at Subaru’s journey through value creation since its founding, centered on the Value Creation Process. In the “Commentary on Strategy” section, we offer an analysis of our major initiatives and future directions in the STEP mid-term management vision and the Six Priority Areas for CSR.*

* The six areas of People-oriented Car Culture, Resonance and Coexistence, Peace of Mind, Diversity, Environment, and Compliance.

Value Creation Process


The Subaru Group, with its roots in aircraft manufacturing, has continued to provide the value of “Enjoyment and Peace of Mind” and deep relationships with our customers through human-oriented manufacturing, a concept placing top priority on safety since the Company’s founding. Pursuing our goal of delivering happiness to all, we show our stakeholders that our value creation is oriented toward sustainable growth for the Subaru Group and achieving an enjoyable and sustainable society.

Content Highlights in Sustainability Report 2021

This report presents a detailed picture of the Subaru Group’s approach, goals, and initiatives for sustainability from the perspectives of ESG and the Six Priority Areas for CSR. The environmental elements of this report describe the concepts behind and initiatives in our new environmental strategy, Environmental Action Plan 2030. For the social elements, we offer a new account of our human rights due diligence initiatives, and the human rights risks that we have uncovered as a result. This report conveys the Subaru Group’s desire to provide “Enjoyment and Peace of Mind” to our customers and, more broadly, to all stakeholders, and to contribute to the achievement of an enjoyable and sustainable society as a truly global company, with each and every employee serving as a driving force for growth.

SOURCE: Subaru

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