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TMC announces board member, executive, organizational and personnel changes

Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) announces the appointment of new members to the board of directors, which was ratified today at TMC’s ordinary general shareholders’ meeting. After the meeting, the representative directors and directors with special titles were appointed at a meeting of the board of directors. Promotions to executive and changes to executives’ areas of … Continued

Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) announces the appointment of new members to the board of directors, which was ratified today at TMC’s ordinary general shareholders’ meeting. After the meeting, the representative directors and directors with special titles were appointed at a meeting of the board of directors. Promotions to executive and changes to executives’ areas of responsibility and to personnel at the sub-executive managerial level were also implemented.

To survive in this era of profound transformation, TMC has been pursuing efforts that transcend practices of the past to speedily and boldly boost business innovation. These include advancing the traditional timing of major executive changes from April to January and positioning more people from both inside and outside the company with a high level of expertise.

The personnel changes made today, which were based on the principle of appointing the right people to the right positions, are aimed at thoroughly honing the Toyota Production System and TMC’s approach to cost reduction, which the company considers to be two of its strengths, and at fortifying TMC’s activities in the all-important Chinese market. Additionally, by making it possible for personnel at the sub-executive managerial level (division manager level) to be placed in positions responsible for overseeing in-house companies and operational groups, which were hitherto only overseen by personnel of executive rank, TMC aims to advance division manager level personnel development, including the selection of younger personnel, by increasing opportunities for such personnel to gain a mid-to-long-term perspective and a sense of ownership in their work, which are necessary for management.

Going forward, TMC intends to increase its flexibility for personnel assignment based on the principle of appointing the right people to the right positions, regardless of age or how long they have been with the company, and to further accelerate business innovation.

  1. Changes to Board Members
Name Current New
Shigeru Hayakawa Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors (Representative Director)
  1. New Members of the Board of Directors
Name Current New
*1Koji Kobayashi Executive Vice President Member of the Board of Directors (Representative Director)
*2Ikuro Sugawara Former Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Member of the Board of Directors
*2Sir Philip Craven Former President of the International Paralympic Committee Member of the Board of Directors
*2Teiko Kudo Managing Executive Officer, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Member of the Board of Directors

*1Concurrent operating officer (executive vice president)

*2Outside board member

  1. Members of the Board of Directors Resigning Posts
Osamu Nagata
Ikuo Uno
Haruhiko Kato
Mark T. Hogan
  1. New Audit and Supervisory Board Members
Name Current Title
Masahide Yasuda Former Chairman of Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Limited
Nobuyuki Hirano Director, President & Group CEO of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.
Chairman of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
  1. Audit and Supervisory Board Members Resigning Posts
Masaki Nakatsugawa
Teisuke Kitayama
  1. Board Members
  1. Members of the Board of Directors
Name Title
Takeshi Uchiyamada Chairman of the Board of Directors (Representative Director)
Shigeru Hayakawa Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors (Representative Director)
*1Akio Toyoda President, Member of the Board of Directors (Representative Director)
*2Koji Kobayashi Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Directors (Representative Director)
*2Didier Leroy Member of the Board of Directors
*2Shigeki Terashi Member of the Board of Directors
*3Ikuro Sugawara Member of the Board of Directors
*3Sir Philip Craven Member of the Board of Directors
*3Teiko Kudo Member of the Board of Directors

*1Concurrent operating officer (president)

*2Concurrent operating officer (executive vice president)

*3Outside board member

  1. Audit and Supervisory Board Members
Name Title
Masahide Yasuda Audit and Supervisory Board Member (full time)
Masahiro Kato Audit and Supervisory Board Member (full time)
Yoshiyuki Kagawa Audit and Supervisory Board Member (full time)
Yoko Wake Audit and Supervisory Board Member
Hiroshi Ozu Audit and Supervisory Board Member
Nobuyuki Hirano Audit and Supervisory Board Member
  1. New Operating Officers
Name Current New
Hidetoshi Kato Powertrain Company
Powertrain Design Management Div.
(Chief Professional Engineer)
Managing Officer
Kenta Kon Accounting Group
Accounting Div. (General Manager)
Managing Officer
  1. Organizational changes
Organizational changes
  1. Operating Officers’ and Executive General Managers’ Areas of Responsibility
Name Current New
Tatsuro Ueda [Senior Managing Officer]
General Administration & Human Resources Group (Chief Officer)
Business Planning Div.
[Senior Managing Officer]
General Administration & Human Resources Group (Chief Officer)
Business Planning Div.
China & Asia Region (CEO)
Kazuhiro Kobayashi [Senior Managing Officer]
China Region (CEO)
Toyota Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
China Office (General Manager)
[Senior Managing Officer]
China & Asia Region
Toyota Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
China Office (General Manager)
Masayoshi Shirayanagi [Senior Managing Officer]
Accounting Group (Chief Officer)
[Senior Managing Officer]
Accounting Group (Chief Officer)
Purchasing Group (Chief Officer)
Hayato Shibakawa [Managing Officer]
China Region (DCEO)Tianjin FAW Toyota Motor Co., Ltd.
[Managing Officer]
China & Asia Region
Tianjin FAW Toyota Motor Co., Ltd.
Tatsuro Takami [Managing Officer]
Asia Region (DCEO)
Toyota Daihatsu Engineering & Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
P.T. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia
[Managing Officer]
China & Asia Region
Toyota Daihatsu Engineering & Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
P.T. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia
Yoshihiro Uozumi [Managing Officer]
China Region (DCEO)
GAC Toyota Motor Co., Ltd.
[Managing Officer]
China & Asia Region
GAC Toyota Motor Co., Ltd.
Susumu Matsuda [Managing Officer]
Asia Region (CEO)
Toyota Motor Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.
[Managing Officer]
China & Asia Region (DCEO)
Toyota Motor Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.
Yu Nishimura [Managing Officer]
Purchasing Group (chief officer)
[Managing Officer]
Purchasing Group (Deputy Chief Officer)
Hidetoshi Kato [Senior General Manager]
Powertrain Company
Powertrain Design Management Div. (Chief Professional Engineer)
[Managing Officer]
Powertrain Company (Executive Vice President)
Kenta Kon [Sub-executive Manager]
Accounting Div. (General manager)
[Managing Officer]
General Administration & Human Resources Group (Deputy Chief Officer)
Accounting Group (Deputy Chief Officer)
Accounting Div.
(concurrent General Manager)
Kazuhiro Fukazawa [Executive General Manager]
Advanced R&D and Engineering Company (in charge of technical scenario)
R&D and Engineering Management Div. (concurrent General Manager)
Powertrain Company (in charge of fuel cell development)
[Executive General Manager]
Advanced R&D and Engineering Company (in charge of technical scenario)
Powertrain Company (in charge of fuel cell development)
Hironori Kagohashi [Executive General Manager]
Safety & Health Promotion Div.
Environmental Affairs Div.
BR U.S. New JV Project Dept.
(concurrent General Manager)
Production Planning Group
Production Engineering Planning Field
(Field General Manager)

Logistics Field (Field General Manager)
Mazda Toyota Manufacturing, U.S.A., Inc.
[Executive General Manager]
Safety & Health Promotion Div.
Environmental Affairs Div.
BR U.S. New JV Project Dept.
(concurrent General Manager)
Production Planning Group
Production Engineering Planning Field
(Field General Manager)

Mazda Toyota Manufacturing, U.S.A., Inc.
Akira Yoshioka [Executive General Manager]
TPS Group
Sales Logistics IT Kaizen Div.
(concurrent General Manager)

External Affairs & Public Affairs Group
Information Systems Group
[Executive General Manager] TPS Group
Sales & Office Staff Field
(Field General Manager)

Sales Logistics IT Kaizen Div.
(concurrent General Manager)

External Affairs & Public Affairs Group
Information Systems Group
  1. Personnel changes at the sub-executive managerial level effective
Name Current New
Kyogo Onoue Operations Management Development Div. (General Manager), TPS Group Operations Management Development Div. (concurrent General Manager),
Production & Logistics Field (Field General Manager), TPS Group
Eiji Sako Tokyo Administration Dept (general manager), General Administration Div. Tokyo Administration Dept (General Manager), General Administration Div.
Government & Industrial Affairs Div. (concurrent Project General Manager)
Promotion to sub-executive management level effective June 14, 2018
Masato Hirai Africa Div. (General Manager) Sales & Operation Planning Div. (general manager)
Akitoshi Takemura Latin America & Caribbean Div. (Project General Manager) Middle East & Central Asia Div. (General Manager)
Shinichiro Ohtsuka Sales & Operation Planning Div. (General Manager) Africa Div. (General Manager)
Toshihiro Ito Strategic R&D Planning Dept. (concurrent general manager),
R&D and Engineering Management Div. (project general manager),
Advanced R&D and Engineering Company
Strategic R&D Planning Dept. (concurrent general manager),
R&D and Engineering Management Div. (general manager),
Advanced R&D and Engineering Company
Tomio Hayashi Hirose Plant Administration Div. (general manager),
Powertrain Company
Powertrain Production Control Dept. (general manager),
Powertrain Management Div., Powertrain Company
Yoshinori Suyama Engine Production Engineering Div. (general manager), Powertrain Company Powertrain Management Div. (project general manager), Powertrain Company
Eiji Nomura Powertrain Production Control Dept. (General Manager), Powertrain Management Div., Powertrain Company Forging & Surface Modification Engineering Div. (General Manager), Powertrain Company
Naoki Matsuoka Forging & Surface Modification Engineering Div. (General Manager), Powertrain Company Hirose Plant Administration Div. (General Manager), Powertrain Company
Naomi Ishii Middle East & Central Asia Div. (General Manager) Temporary external transfer to Hino Motors, Ltd.
MaaS Business Div. (concurrent Project General Manager), Connected Company

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