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Total: Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of June 1st, 2018

The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of Total S.A. was held on June 1, 2018, under the chairmanship of Patrick Pouyanné. The Shareholders adopted all resolutions recommended by the Board of Directors, including: Approval of the 2017 financial statements and the payment of a dividend of €2.48 per share, a 1.2% increase compared to the previous year; … Continued

The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of Total S.A. was held on June 1, 2018, under the chairmanship of Patrick Pouyanné. The Shareholders adopted all resolutions recommended by the Board of Directors, including:
  • Approval of the 2017 financial statements and the payment of a dividend of €2.48 per share, a 1.2% increase compared to the previous year;
  • The option for shareholders to receive the final 2017 dividend of 0.62 €/share and any 2018 interim dividends in cash or in new shares of the Company;
  • Renewal of the terms as Directors of Mrs. Anne-Marie Idrac, Mr. Patrick Pouyanné and Mr. Patrick Artus, for a three-year period;
  • Approval of the elements of compensation due or granted to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for year 2017;
  • Approval of the principles and criteria for the determination of the compensation granted to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for year 2018.
  • Various delegations of authority and financial authorizations granted to the Board of Directors
The full results of the votes and the presentations made to the shareholders will be available on Total’s corporate website in the coming days.
Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO, highlighted the strength of the Group’s financial results, which demonstrates the quality of the strategic and industrial choices made since 2015. He also reviewed the implementation of the Group’s strategy, the environmental and social responsibility policy, and the shareholder return policy.
The Board of Directors met after the Shareholders’ Meeting and unanimously decided to reappoint Mr. Patrick Pouyanné as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for the duration of his term as Director.

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