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Volkswagen shareholders formally approve actions of Board of Management and Supervisory Board and adopt resolution on dividend for 2019

The Annual General Meeting of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft took place today online for the first time due to the Covid-19 pandemic

The Annual General Meeting of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft took place today online for the first time due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The shareholders voted by a majority of 99.98 percent to approve the recommendation of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board to pay the same dividend as last year of 4.80 EUR per ordinary share and 4.86 EUR per preferred share for fiscal year 2019. As in 2018, approximately 2.4 billion EUR will therefore be distributed to the shareholders. The resolution on the formal approval of the members of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board who held office in 2019 was passed by 94.33 percent of the shareholders represented at the Annual General Meeting.

In addition, Dr. Hussain Ali Al Abdulla was reelected as a member of the Supervisory Board for a full term.

SOURCE: Volkswagen

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