The legal transformation of Volkswagen Truck & Bus into a German Aktiengesellschaft (AG) has been successfully completed. The new legal form became formally effective with yesterday’s entry in the Commercial Register of the Munich District Court. Volkswagen Truck & Bus will now operate under the name Volkswagen Truck & Bus AG until the name change into TRATON AG will be implemented in a few weeks.
The legal transformation of Volkswagen Truck & Bus into a German Aktiengesellschaft (AG) has been successfully completed. The new legal form became formally effective with yesterday’s entry in the Commercial Register of the Munich District Court. Volkswagen Truck & Bus will now operate under the name Volkswagen Truck & Bus AG until the name change … Continued
The Board of Management appointed by the Supervisory Board, consisting of Andreas Renschler (CEO), Christian Schulz (CFO), Joachim Drees (MAN), Henrik Henriksson (Scania) and Roberto Cortes (Volkswagen Caminhões e Ônibus), has thus officially taken office yesterday. The Supervisory Board had decided on the conversion of the legal form on June 14, 2018.