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Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication

Automakers, regulators, tech developers and telecoms companies are all aligning on V2X. The time is now for the industry to lay strong foundations

The car of tomorrow will be a thoroughly sociable machine, in near-constant dialogue with everything from cellular network operators and cloud computing suites, to downtown traffic lights and even your neighbour’s smartwatch. All of this is being developed with the goal of boosting safety and creating co-operative traffic flows. If executed well, vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications could transform our congested streets and highways into well-oiled machines. It can create vivid, real-time pictures of all road-users in an area—including vulnerable road users—and give autonomous vehicles sight beyond sight.

However, failure to correctly implement V2X could rob cities on tight budgets of valuable investment funds. Worse yet, it could introduce major security risks for connected vehicles and those around them. The V2X-enabled smart city remains a largely theoretical concept, but with trials expanding, partnerships developing and regulators aligning, the time is right for the industry to lay solid foundations. This latest special report from Automotive World brings together a number of key players now involved in that process.

‘Special report: Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication’ presents insight from:

  • Accenture
  • Commsignia
  • Ericsson
  • Qualcomm
  • Nokia
  • Continental
  • Harman
  • Otonomo

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